Millions of children die each year, many from causes that could be prevented, such as diarrhea and pneumonia. At Save the Children, we strive to ensure that no child will die from preventable causes before his or her fifth birthday.

Babies die in thier 1st month alive.
*Data from Save the Children UK

Under-5s die each day, many from preventable diseases.

Misses routine immunisations, exposing them to deadly illnesses.
Our Work on Pneumonia
Pneumonia kills more children than any other disease. Despite its prevalence, we know how to prevent and treat pneumonia.
Save the Children is active in countries where it’s most fatal to be a child with pneumonia.
We’re scaling up our programmes on the ground and joining forces with partners to get life-saving vaccines and antibiotics to children.
Our Impact in 2023
Save the Children Hong Kong supported children’s health and nutrition programmes in Afghanistan and Bangladesh, directly improving the lives of 71,331 children and adults.
Afghanistan: Tackling Child Malnutrition Through Food Security and Nutrition Education
In Afghanistan, malnutrition is a significant challenge due to longstanding conflict and climate related shocks. Our programme aims to address the root causes of malnutrition by providing access to nutritious food, educating mothers on optimal nutrition, and providing regular screening……
Indonesia: Nurtures Healthy Habits for Children with Special Needs
Save the Children implemented the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation Project in West Java Province, Indonesia, which aims to prevent and reduce stunting rates through various initiatives, including health-related education and support.……