Just two weeks ago, I gave birth to my first child in East Jerusalem. My son is healthy, and my husband and I are so in love with him. But alongside the undimmed bliss of motherhood, there is grief and there is guilt. Grief for the mothers in Gaza who are writing...
At least 2,000 children have been killed in Gaza over the past 17 days, and a further 27 killed in the West Bank, with constant airstrikes reducing thousands of buildings across the Gaza Strip to piles of smoking rubble. A further 27 children were killed in Israel,...
More than 1,000 children have reportedly been killed in 11 days of airstrikes on Gaza – one child every 15 minutes[1] – with children making up a third of total fatalities in Gaza, Save the Children said on Tuesday, calling for an immediate ceasefire. At least 1,300...
Children are facing unimaginable risks to their safety, with dire long-term consequences for their mental health including depression, nightmares, bed-wetting and self-harm, Save the Children warned today. As the escalation in Israel and Gaza intensifies, the number...
Thousands of children are without homes after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated large parts of Herat province in western Afghanistan. More than 2,000 people have been killed or injured and over 9,000 families have been severely affected. Save the Children is...
香港救助兒童會(Save The Children Hong Kong)舉辦「強制舉報虐待兒童條例研討會」。研討會邀請了社會福利界立法會議員狄志遠、香港兒童權利委員會主席馬亞山、母親的抉擇行政總裁艾利雅等專家一齊對談,並請來學界不同持分者,包括中小學、國際學校及特殊學校校長、老師、學校社工前來交流,了解立法對其工作的影響。研討會分為多個環節,探討《強制舉報虐待兒童條例草案》的各個方面影響;其中包括剖析立法內容、香港兒童保護與條例面臨的挑戰,以及與現場的教育工作者意見交流。...