Sadly, millions of children across the world have been uprooted from their homes due to the devastating impact of war or climate disasters. As these catastrophes unfold, children and families living in the affected area face unimaginable fear for their lives and are left with the agonizing choice of leaving their homes behind.

When disaster strikes and children are the most vulnerable, every minute counts. Our Children’s Emergency Fund helps us to prepare better, respond faster, and protect longer – ensuring that we can be by a child’s side immediately in any emergency, as soon as they need our help.

With your support, Save the Children is there before, during and after an emergency. Working together, we help communities become more resilient so that each time a crisis happens, they are stronger, more likely to survive, and recover more quickly.

Your generous support allows us to respond quickly and help children survive emergencies, wherever they need our help most.


Your donations will be channelled to our Children’s Emergency Fund, and used to empower children and their families devastated by disasters – like the hunger crisis – to stay safe, healthy and to rebuild their lives. Your donations will support children wherever the need is greatest.