Save the Children Hong Kong learned from the recent news, the challenges of following the principle to act in the best interests of children. As the world’s leading independent children’s organisation, championing child rights, we believe that 

  1. It is important for society to recognise the power imbalance between adults and children, and how this can impact on children’s ability to speak for themselves.  We must ensure every child can share their opinion, it is listened to and taken seriously in discussions, when working to reach consensus. 


  2. It is vital for organisations and schools to create and nurture a child-safe space, enabling them to listen to children’s voices and protect children from harm. 


  3. Organisations and schools should monitor children’s safety and rights continuously to ensure their best interests are upheld, while delivering projects and services for and with children.  

Save the Children Hong Kong believes child safeguarding is an important part of all aspects of society. Continued effort and ongoing dialogue is needed in Hong Kong civil society to develop the culture of child safeguarding. All stakeholders in civil society have responsibility to build a transparent safeguarding culture across all sectors, and work together to create a child-friendly environment.