At Save the Children, our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. In Hong Kong, we strive to ensure that children – regardless of their background – get the protection and care they deserve, helping them reach their full potential and grow up happily.

Heart to Heart Parent-Child Programme
The H2H Programme aims to enhance parent-child communication and relationships through various activities, allowing children to grow up in a safe and non-violent environment.

Mental Health Programmes
Save the Children Hong Kong’s programmes in under-privileged communities aim to improve the mental wellbeing and build resilience of children and youth in Hong Kong.

Child Safeguarding Partnerships Service
Save the Children Hong Kong’s Child Safeguarding Partnerships Service provides training and guidance to organisations that engage with children, developing their knowledge, skills, and protocols so they can better ensure that their organisations are child safe.

Netizen Academy
Launched in 2019, Netizen Academy is an online awareness centre with resources aiming to teach children to protect themselves in the digital world. In 2019, 450 primary students participated in the Smart Netizen school talks that we organised to raise their awareness of online protection.

Featured Partner Organisations
We support the work of our partner organisations on child protection, child rights governance, education and healthcare, providing appropriate help to the most deprived and marginalised children and families in Hong Kong.

Become a Monthly Donor
Create a Sustainable Future for Children
Monthly giving is critical to providing a predictable income stream that allows Save the Children to plan and implement projects more efficiently.
When disaster strikes or a crisis breaks out, our dedicated emergency responders are among the first to arrive – and the last to leave.
With your support, we can be ready to send life-saving food, shelter and medicines straight to where they are most urgently needed.