Education is every child’s brightest hope for a better future. All children should have the right to learn from a quality basic education in a safe and happy environment. However, millions of children around the world remain out of school. At Save the Children, we strive to ensure that all children will learn from a quality basic education.

Children/young people have either not started school or dropped out.

Over a quarter of a billion
Children are out of school.

Children will not learn the most basic skills.
*Data from Save the Children UK
Our impact in 2023
Save the Children Hong Kong supported education programmes in Cambodia, China, Pakistan and Thailand, directly providing services to 93,541 children and adults.
Cambodia: Empowering Grandparent Caregivers in Early Child Development
Many grandparents in Cambodia are stepping in to care for young children on behalf of working parents. Save the Children Hong Kong supported the “Grandparents, Parents, and Communities Join Forces to Give Young Children a Healthy Start in Life (GRAND)” project.
Pakistan: Breaking Free from Child Marriage
In Sindh, a province of Pakistan, early marriage is an entrenched tradition for many families, stifling the dreams and aspirations of their unwilling children. Recognising the barriers faced by ambitious children on their educational journey, our learning facilitators advocate and raise awareness, working closely with communities to break these harmful cycles.
Thailand: Improving Access to Quality Basic Education for Migrant Children
Many migrant children in Thailand face barriers to education due to language, poverty, and their undocumented status. Save the Children Hong Kong’s “Reaching Education for All Children in Thailand” (REACT) programme addresses this by providing quality basic education to underprivileged migrant children……
Vietnam: Empowering Male Caregivers in Early Childhood Development
A father’s involvement in a child’s early years can positively impact their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Save the Children’s Building Brains for a Brighter Future programme in Van Chan district aims to enhance male and female caregivers’ capacity.……
*The cases mentioned above include both ongoing and completed programmes of Save the Children Hong Kong.