Every child has rights – no matter who they are or where they live. These include rights to education, protection and survival. Securing children’s rights underpins all of Save the Children’s work. By ensuring that governments fulfill children’s rights, we achieve positive outcomes for children.
Our work in Hong Kong
Understanding children’s views about child-friendly city

The project asks children accompanied by their parents, to wear a “Go Pro” camera on their head and walk around the city. The footage, which was turned in to a video, revealed a number of hazards, including the MTR train gap being too large, facilities like shopping mall toilets and hand basins being too high, and the limited visibility of roads in crowded spaces where they can’t see around adults. Bus stops were also identified as a significant hazard, with the high risk of burns by hot polluted air from bus engines while standing or sitting in a stroller at a bus stop. On the back of the report, we were invited to a city walkability world conference to speak for children’s rights to facilities.
Our work in Bhutan
Visiting Children’s Parliament in Bhutan

At the end of 2016, we facilitated a visit to Bhutan’s Children’s Parliament (founded by a project Save the Children Hong Kong supports) for 5 members of the Hong Kong Children Council.
The visit was an excellent opportunity for children in Bhutan to learn about peer education in Hong Kong. It also enabled the children from Hong Kong to understand the importance of having an official child-led policy making body, set up by the government, with independent monitoring and policy assessment functions.

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Child Sponsorship Enquiries: (852) 3160-8786
8/F Pacific Plaza, 410-418 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Wan, Hong Kong
Monday to Friday: 9:30a.m. to 6:00p.m.
© 2019 Save the Children Hong Kong | IR File No: 91/8943