There’s a lot going on in the world right now. If you’re a parent or carer, you are probably worrying about how best to support children and relieve stress. Here are some top tips to help you through.

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Provide simple and clear information

Children may pick up information from multiple sources. Ask them what they know and correct any misinformation. Explain what is happening, using simple, age-appropriate language.

Listen and respond

It’s important to understand your children’s concerns and feelings. Try drawing and roleplay to help bring out their emotions. Validate their feelings and tell them how you feel.

Reassure and explain

Remind your child what’s in their power and how to keep safe – demonstrate effective handwashing and tell them to cough and sneeze into a tissue or their elbow. Explain that the risk to them is low but it affects old people and those with other illnesses differently, so we should do everything we can to protect them.

Keep a normal schedule

Routine is important for children to feel safe. Create a daily schedule together. Include time for playing and learning – you could incorporate lesson about the virus, like colouring in pictures of germs. And remember time for chores, being active and relaxation.

Eat well

A proper diet is key. Involve your children in preparing food and talk about ways to stay healthy. Cooking
and baking together is a great activity for bonding and learning.

Be active

Get outside for walks if you can or do simple exercises in your home. Dancing to your favourite
music can lift your – and your children’s – mood. Turn physical activities like cleaning the house into a fun game and limit screen time.

Look after yourself

Stay in contact with friends and family over the phone or computer and take time every day to do something that you enjoy. Early mornings or evenings, when the children are asleep, can be a great time to do something for yourself.

Model good behaviour

Children will imitate what they see. Ensure you carefully wash your hands, and that you stay positive and active. Create a caring environment and give children a little extra attention. Relaxation exercises can help everyone stay calm.

Avoid too much information

Don’t over-expose your children – and yourself – to too much information. Limit excessive news reporting and social media.
With older children, watch the news together so you can answer their questions.

Take a deep breath and be positive!

Look for examples of positive news stories, and remember that this won’t last forever. Come up with a plan for what to do if you feel you need support. Consider friends, family, a health worker, a trusted person in your community, helplines and online communities. We are all in this together.