Six months after the escalation of violence in Ukraine, the war continues to put the lives of children in grave danger in Ukraine, whilst also placing at risk and traumatising those displaced in countries across Europe.
Looking back, the scale and pace at which we were able to provide humanitarian assistance, in spite of the numerous challenges faced, is nothing short of remarkable.
COVID-19, conflict and climate change have created a perfect storm of risk and vulnerability for children’s rights around the world and an unparalleled food security and nutrition crisis that puts children at immediate risk. Already, 162 million people are...
This report details progress on our four key pillars of the global COVID-19 response from Q2 to Q4 2020. It uses data collected from countries against each of the indicators set out in the COVID-19 response plan and uses children’s stories to highlight our...
At the start of 2020, nobody could have foreseen that we would experience a global pandemic, which has fundamentally changed the world at a ferocious pace. Some 30 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child was endorsed by almost all states, COVID-19 has...