Hong Kong COVID-19 Wave 5 Response

Hong Kong COVID-19 Wave 5 Response

The outbreak of the 5th wave of COVID at the beginning of 2022 changed the lives of children in Hong Kong forever. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds were among the worst affected.
A Foundation to End Child Poverty Report

A Foundation to End Child Poverty Report

Globally, many countries are failing to sufficiently prioritise the wellbeing of children and invest in their future potential. In the context of rising child poverty and deprivation resulting from COVID-19, and persistently high humanitarian caseloads fuelled by...
The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Child Poverty

The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Child Poverty

Save the Children launched a global research study to generate rigorous evidence on how the COVID-19 pandemic and measures implemented to mitigate it are impacting children’s health, nutrition, learning, wellbeing, protection, family finances and poverty and to...