Rising Above Adversity: Story of A 17-year-old Bhutan mother

Dema* with her 2 children May 14 is Mother’s Day. Being a mother is never easy, with stress and responsibility, but a mother finds strength in facing them. Thimphu, capital of Bhutan, attracts people from across the country seeking employment and opportunities, but...

兒童心理健康不容忽視 子女心理健康異常 家長應如何洞悉?(Chinese Only)

家長對小孩心理健康發展的關注日漸提升。時至今日,很多家長已經明白「贏在起跑線」和「成績重於一切」的虎爸虎媽行為,反而令子女承受莫大壓力。除了學業壓力外,家庭關係、朋友之間的相處、或是一些極端的例子,如校園欺凌事件,甚至是侵犯事件,往往令孩子出現精神緊張或抑鬱的症狀。家長可以如何察覺子女心理健康出現問題? 緊記三個L:觀察、聆聽、連繫 這一套的行動原則三步曲就是 Look – Listen – Link (觀察、聆聽、連繫),是「心理健康急救」中一套核心概念,受救助兒童會 (Save the...