In Sindh, a province of Pakistan, early marriage is an entrenched tradition for many families, stifling the dreams and aspirations of their unwilling children. Recognising the barriers faced by ambitious children on their educational journey, our learning facilitators advocate and raise awareness, working closely with communities to break these harmful cycles.
Fiza’s father, a modest-income labourer, succumbed to societal norms and arranged his daughter’s engagement. Learning facilitator Saba reached out to Fiza, a determined 17-year-old girl with dreams of becoming a doctor, making a name for herself in the region, and contributing to the community’s well-being.
With unwavering dedication, Learning Facilitator Saba worked with Fiza’s parents to save her from child marriage. Eventually, through Saba’s persistent efforts, they agreed to cancel the engagement of Fiza. This became a pivotal moment for Fiza, giving her the opportunity to pursue her education as the first among her siblings.
Beaming with pride, Fiza expressed, “Believe in your dreams, and with determination, you can overcome any obstacle. Education is the key to a better future.”
Our Learning Facilitators empower children and the younger generation to break free from this cycle, supporting their educational aspirations for a hopeful future.