Young Voices, originally started by Save the Children Sweden, is a child-centred survey targeted young people aged 12-18 years, from secondary school students in Form 1-6, to find out their perspectives on matters relevant to them in their daily lives at school, at home and in the community.
It provides insightful findings on children’s current situation in Hong Kong. The contribution of collective children’s voices in this report can serve as a useful tool to influence decision-making on issues relevant to them, and to inform policymakers around children’s issues.
Topics Covered
- Children’s Awareness and Knowledge of their Rights
- Mental Health and Emotional Support
- Education, Schooling and Violence
- Online Protection and Safety
- Physical and Humiliating Punishment (PHP)
- The Future
- Climate Change
Focus Group
It was conducted in mid-2019 targeting children aged 12-18. Groups were formed based on their socio-economic status, type of school and gender. Students participating in the research were invited by snowball sampling and students in each focus group were unknown to each other.
Click the full infographic for more details.
Research Release
The research is completed in 2021, click the following link to download the full report.