Twiggy Chan, Founder of Boaz International Education Institute

在陳卓琪的帶領下,其教育中心在過去11年與香港大學和超過100間本地機構和學校合作,服務超過3,000名學生及家庭。她相信每個兒童不論背景及能力,都有權利接受所需要的學習支援,因此她資助患有讀寫障礙的基層兒童參加合共170課訓練,給予接受合適教育的平等機會。她亦與一間市場推廣公司開發了一個網上系統,使大眾能夠體驗讀寫障礙的學習困難,系統在 1 週內接觸多達124,000人,促進公眾對讀寫障礙兒童的認識。她的團隊獲得社會企業基金會撥款,開辦培訓導師文憑課程,以教育中心的獨特教學法培訓出更多導師,服務更多有需要的兒童。
(English version available below)

Under her leadership, the center collaborated with the University of Hong Kong and over 100 local organizations and schools, benefiting over 3,000 students and families over the past 11 years. Twiggy believes that all children, including those less privileged, should be given equal learning support and so, she sponsored 170 hours of dyslexia training sessions for children with dyslexia. Moreover, her company partnered with a marketing firm to develop an online system to simulate the learning difficulties faced by dyslexic children, reaching up to 124,000 people within a week and enhancing public awareness of dyslexia. With funding from the Social Enterprise Fund, her team launched a diploma programme to train more tutors using the center’s unique teaching methods, with the aim of reaching out to more children in need.