Game On Hong Kong 義教運動平台創辦人
Owen Ng, Founder of “Game On Hong Kong” Sports Volunteering Platform

就讀中三的吳日燊是學生運動體育義工平台Game On Hong Kong 的創辦人之一。年僅15歲的吳日燊和其他熱愛運動的少年自發成立了Game On Hong Kong ,旨在為基層小朋友籌辦免費體育活動,提供義工教練、體育物資和免費練習場地,讓他們接觸不同類型的運動。吳日燊成立平台緣起於一場籃球比賽。儘管比賽取得勝利,但他意識到對手因缺乏資源和訓練機會而落敗,於是與朋友一起創立了義教平台,幫助基層兒童享受運動樂趣。Game On Hong Kong 已經服務了1,528名兒童,與約200名義工合作。初期,他親自擔任教練,為兒童策劃訓練,全面負責籌備、課程設計和教學工作。後來,他們與社區中心合作,招募其他青少年義工開展各類運動班,實現以兒童為中心的教學相長。
(English version available below)

Owen, a student in Form 3, is one of the founders of the student sports and physical education volunteer platform called Game On Hong Kong. At just 15 years old, Owen and other sports enthusiasts spontaneously established Game On Hong Kong to organise free sports activities for disadvantaged children. They provide volunteer coaches, sports supplies, and free training facilities to allow them to experience different types of sports. His decision to create this platform originated from a basketball match. Despite his victory of the match, he realised that the opposing team had lost due to a lack of resources and training opportunities. Consequently, he and his friends initiated to establish a volunteer teaching platform to help underprivileged children enjoy the benefits of sports. Game On Hong Kong has already served 1,528 children and collaborated with around 200 volunteers. Initially, Owen personally took on the role of a coach, planning training sessions and being fully responsible for preparation, curriculum design, and teaching. Currently, they partner with community centres and recruited other teenage volunteers to conduct various sports classes, achieving a child-centred mutual learning.