
Octopus, electronic payment systems


自 2007 年,香港八達通一直在推動變革性計劃,為香港兒童的生活帶來正面影響。截至 2023 年 7 月,他們的計劃已服務來自 195 所學校的 4,517 名學生,其中包括來自弱勢背景和少數族裔社區的學生。透過擴大影響範圍以涵蓋不同的學生群體港八達通確保他們的計劃能兼融並滿足社區中不同兒童的需要 

Octopus Cards Limited, a successful homegrown business and one of the world’s leading electronic payment systems, is committed to corporate social responsibility. The company focuses on empowering children in Hong Kong by providing them with comprehensive programs that nurture their holistic development. Through these initiatives, Octopus Cards Limited aims to equip children with essential life skills, nurture their talents, and contribute to their success and the prosperity of society at large. 

Since 2007, Octopus Cards Limited has been implementing transformative programmes that positively impact the lives of children in Hong Kong. As of July 2023, their programmes have benefitted 4,517 students from 195 schools, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and ethnic minority communities. By extending their reach to include diverse student populations, Octopus Cards Limited ensures that their efforts are inclusive and address the needs of all children in the community. 

Press here for other awardees’ story and details of the Children’s Champion Award.