Music Children Foundation, Charity Organisation

自成立以來,基金會從最初服務只有數十位的基層兒童,至今已服務了超過6,300 位基層兒童及其家庭成員。他們提供多樣化的音樂教育計劃,以迎合不同年齡段的兒童,包括「音樂搖籃」計劃、合唱團、樂器和合奏團等。透過音樂培訓,基金會見證了參與兒童及其家庭生活中的顯著轉變。藉著培養愉快的學習體驗和提供公開表演的機會,他們幫助兒童建立自信、性格和成就感。除了音樂教育外,基金會還組織各種活動和研討會,支援家長減輕壓力,加強親子關係,促進家庭和諧。這些活動還為家長提供了交流和互助的機會。基金會經過10年來的耕耘,許多昔日受助兒童現已就讀中學和大學,他們積極回饋社會,擔任義工,啟發更多後起的音樂兒童,體現助人自助的精神。
(English version available below)

Music Children Foundation, founded in 2013, is dedicated to providing high-quality, free music programmes to underprivileged children and financially deprived families in Hong Kong. Beginning in Sham Shui Po, they offer music training delivered by experienced tutors and professional musicians, incorporating public performances as an integral part of the curriculum. Their mission is to make music an essential part of everyday life and a catalyst for positive change in Hong Kong.
Since its inception, the foundation has grown from providing training to several 10 children to a significant force, impacting the lives of over 6,300 children from underprivileged families. They offer a diverse range of music education programmes tailored to different age groups, including the “Music Cradle” programme, choirs, instruments, and ensembles. Through their music education, the foundation has witnessed remarkable transformations in the lives of participating children and their families. By fostering joyful learning experiences and providing opportunities for public performances, they help children develop confidence, character, and a sense of achievement.
In addition to music education, the foundation organises various activities and seminars that support parents in relieving pressure and strengthening parent-child relationships, promoting harmony within families. These initiatives also facilitate networking opportunities for parents to connect and provide mutual support. After 10 years of their dedication, with many of their beneficiaries now attending secondary schools and universities. Encouraged to contribute back to society, these young individuals serve as volunteers, inspiring their peers and embodying the spirit of “helping others to self-help.”