「JUST FEEL 感講」共同創辦人
Co-Founder of JUST FEEL

郭梓樂曾任職老師,於主流小學教導基層學生。為了回應學生的情緒需要,他學習不同教育理論,並在校積極推動他的理念,終獲校方支持,在校推動情緒教育。 為了在更多學校系統化推廣情緒教育、讓更多學生受惠,在2018年,23歲的郭梓樂毅然離開教育前線,聯同兩位拍檔創立「JUST FEEL 感講」,全港首間在主流學校系統化推廣「善意溝通」及「社交情意教育」的慈善機構,以轉化學校和家庭溝通文化為願景,致力賦能教育工作者和家長,提升學生的身心靈健康。機構推出「感講夥伴學校計劃」,以預防為本、全校參與模式推行,致力與夥伴學校深入合作,在學生、教師、家長三方面共建同理心校園文化,帶來系統性影響。
至今,機構已與超過 30 所小學成為夥伴,為超過 26,500 位學生、6,900 位教師及 29,600 位家長提供支援。郭梓樂與拍檔更於2023年入選《福布斯》亞洲年輕領袖榜。
(English version available below)

Matthew Kwok, a former teacher in a mainstream primary school, dedicated himself to teaching underprivileged students. Recognising the importance of addressing students’ emotional needs, he delved into various educational theories and proactively advocated for his ideas within the school. With the support of the school administration, he successfully implemented emotional education on campus. In 2018, at the age of 23, Matthew made a courageous decision to leave the education field and co-founded “JUST FEEL,” a pioneering charitable organisation in Hong Kong. Their mission is to systematically promote “Compassionate Communication” and “Social-Emotional Learning” (SEL) within mainstream school systems, with a vision to transform the communication culture between schools and families. They empower educators and parents to enhance students’ emotional wellbeing. Through their ” Compassionate School Programme” which emphasises prevention and whole-school participation, they collaborate closely with partner schools to cultivate a compassionate school culture among students, teachers, and parents, leading to systemic change.
To date, the organisation has partnered with over 30 primary schools, positively impacting over 26,500 students, 6,900 teachers, and 29,600 parents. Matthew and his partner were also recognised on Forbes’ Asia 30 Under 30 list in 2023.