Co-founder of Hong Kong Association for AD/HD

伍敏姿是一位特殊教育需要(SEN)兒童的家長,於2006年與幾位同路人創立「專注不足/過度活躍症(香港)協會」,發揮自助互助精神,以自身經歷支援專注力不足/過度活躍症 (ADHD) 兒童的家庭。伍女士於2007至2020年擔任協會主席及副主席期間,帶領協會讓13,000人及850個家庭直接受惠,並透過公眾教育,讓至少8,760人更認識和關注ADHD。
伍女士凝聚社會各界,與政府、社區及不同界別的專業人士商討協會服務發展及政策倡導,協助ADHD兒童跨越障礙。現時,協會顧問由最初的7位增至24位,家庭會員由最初的8個增至 1,800個。經過多年努力,伍女士成功爭取多項有利於ADHD兒童的政策及支援服務,包括為社區懷疑患有ADHD兒童提供初步評估及支援服務的先導計劃,以及為ADHD中小學生提供跨專業團隊到校服務等,而為兒童評估ADHD的兒童體能智力測驗中心,以及提供兒童及青少年精神科日間服務的公立醫院,都分別由5間增加至7間。為協助ADHD青少年過渡到成人精神科的服務,個別醫院更增設「過渡診所」及「成人ADHD診所」。
(English version available below)

Marcia Ng is a parent of a child with special educational needs (SEN). In 2006, she co-founded the “Hong Kong Association for AD/HD” with a group of like-minded parents. Drawing on her own experiences as a parent of a child with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Marcia and the association provide self-help and mutual support to families of children with ADHD. From 2007 to 2020, during her tenure as chairperson and vice-chairperson of the association, Marcia led the association to directly serve 13,000 individuals and 850 families. Through public education efforts, the association also raised awareness and understanding of ADHD among at least 8,760 individuals.
Marcia actively engaged various sectors of society and collaborated with the government, community, and professionals from different fields to discuss the development of services and advocate for policies that support children with ADHD. The association’s advisory committee has grown from an initial 7 members to 24, and the number of family members has increased from 8 to 1,800. Through years of effort, she successfully secured several policies and support services beneficial to children with ADHD. These include a pilot programme providing preliminary assessment and support services for children suspected of having ADHD in the community, as well as a funded programme providing multidisciplinary team on-site support services for ADHD students in primary and secondary schools. Additionally, the number of Child Assessment Centres for ADHD and public hospitals offering day services for child and adolescent psychiatric care also increased from 5 to 7 respectively. To facilitate ADHD adolescents transitioning to adult psychiatric services, some hospitals have established “Transition Clinics” and “Adult ADHD Clinics”.