Emergency Foster Family, Founder of Lovecare Station, SEN Youth Employment Training

龔太自 2007年,開始參與義工服務。2009年,被確診患上末期癌症,抗癌的日子裏,她深刻體會到生命的可貴,決定去做一些有意義的事情,抱著「往後的日子,做到幾多得幾多」的信念熱心助人。2011年,龔太一家成為緊急寄養家庭,照顧缺乏家庭關愛的嬰兒,至今接待了32位孩子。
2014年,龔太創立了「愛心二手站」,將所收集的二手物品免費派發給弱勢社群。後來龔太認識到 特殊教育需要(SEN)的青年人在尋找工作時往往面對障礙,因此開設了實體店舖將所收集的物品義賣,所賺取的收入,均會用作提供就業培訓、津貼和工作機會,盈餘則捐助社福機構。
龔家過往多次獲頒「社會福利署- 傑出家庭義工/ 2024寄養家庭長期服務-金獎 /2024優秀個人義工獎」等獎項外;「香港義務工作發展局-2023傑出義工」、「 國際獅子會中國港澳303區-香港十大優質社會服務」的機構等榮譽。
(English version available below)

Mrs. Linda Kung has been participating in volunteer service since 2007. In 2009, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her battle with cancer, she deeply realised the preciousness of life and decided to live a more meaningful life for the rest of her days. Embracing the belief that “from now on, I’ll do as much as possible”, she helps others enthusiastically. In 2011, Mrs. Kung’s family became an emergency foster family and has welcomed 32 children to date. The role is to take care of infants who lack family love.
In 2014, she founded the ‘Lovecare Station,’ gifting second-hand items for free to the underprivileged community. Later, Mrs. Kung recognised that young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) often face obstacles when looking for work. Therefore, she opened a physical store to sell the collected items. The income from the store is used to provide employment training, subsidies, and job opportunities, with the surplus donated to social welfare organisations.
The Kung family has received numerous awards with honors such as ‘Outstanding Family Volunteer’, ‘Gold Award for Long-term Service in Foster Care’ and ‘Excellent Individual Volunteer Award’ by the Social Welfare Department in 2024. She was also awarded with ‘Outstanding Volunteer’ by the Agency for Volunteer Service in 2023, and ‘Hong Kong Top Ten Quality Social Services’ by the Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China.”