Climate Activists, Founders of MyGreenMantra

12歲的Dhaanya Ganeriwal和11歲的 Reaha Ganeriwal這對小姐妹,於 2018 年共同創立 MyGreenMantra,提倡保護地球氣候,並以兒童的身份參與社會事務,及全球氣候議題的倡議工作。MyGreenMantra的使命是透過每天實踐微小而具影響力的行動來應對地球氣候變化,例如縮短洗澡時間、自備外賣盒購物袋和茹素等。
Dhaanya和Reaha透過每個星期的公眾活動、社群媒體的宣傳和工作坊等進行公眾教育,她們曾於 TEDx Talk 以「我們的選擇會影響氣候變遷嗎?」為題參與大型演講。她們亦與不同環保團體合作,包括舉辦工作坊,進入學校分享永續發展,並鼓勵社區進行系統性改革。Dhaanya和Reaha 向社會展示兒童成為環保先鋒的可能性。年齡並沒有阻礙她們推動環保,她們身體力行證明年青一代也可以主動為氣候變化出一分力,推動永續發展的社會。
(English version available below)

Dhaanya Ganeriwal, aged 12, and Reaha Ganeriwal, aged 11, are a pair of sisters who co-founded MyGreenMantra in 2018. They advocate for climate protection and actively engage in social issues and global climate initiatives as children. MyGreenMantra’s mission is to address climate change by practicing small yet impactful actions daily, such as reducing shower time, using reusable shopping bags and containers, and eating green.
Dhaanya and Reaha engage in public education through weekly public events, social media promotion, and workshops, including giving speech at TEDx Talk titled “Do Our Choices Impact Climate Change?” They also collaborate with various environmental organisations, including organising workshops and visiting schools to share insights on sustainable development, and encouraging the community to make systemic changes. Dhaanya and Reaha showcase the possibility of children becoming environmental champions. Their age does not hinder their environmental advocacy, as they lead by example and demonstrate that the younger generation can actively contribute to addressing climate change and promoting a sustainable society.