Chi Heng Foundation, Charity Organisation

智行基金會在1998 年成立於香港。「智行」的理念是把智慧付諸行動,締造一個更平等、健康的社會。自2002年以來,智行基金會在內地開展助學工作,截至2023年,已累計資助及服務超過37,000名學生,全方位照顧受愛滋病影響及受貧窮、疾病、歧視影響的困境學生。基金會不僅為他們提供教育、醫療、生活的資助,更關注其心理發展及品德教育,鼓勵受助學生參與公益,傳遞智行「一幫三、三幫九」的公益精神,貢獻社會。
(English version available below)

Chi Heng Foundation was founded in 1998 . The philosophy of “Chi Heng” is to put “Wisdom into Action” to promote equal opportunity and the elimination of discrimination against under-privileged people of the society. Since 2002, the foundation has been conducting education sponsorship in China. Up till the end of 2023, they have cumulatively supported over 37,000 children and youth, providing comprehensive care and support to AIDS impacted children, as well as underprivileged students suffering from poverty, illness and/or discrimination. Their services include not only the provision of educational sponsorship, but also medical & living expenses subsidies and psychosocial therapy. They coach our students on building their moral character and encourage them to give back to the society in the spirit of :”One can help three, three can help nine”.