AaaM Limited, Architectural design studio

AaaM Limited (AaaM) 是香港屢獲獎項的建築設計工作室,他們以建築設計作為創意教育的媒介。自2017年起,AaaM與包括PMQ元創方在內的眾多本地機構及學校合作舉辦創意教育工作坊,啟發兒童以創意思考為起點,題材貫穿建築、藝術及生活體驗,培養小孩對他人以至社區及大自然的同理心,建立創意思維及自信。
(English version available below)

AaaM Architects (AaaM) is an award-winning architectural design studio in Hong Kong, using architectural design as a medium to channel creative education. Since 2017, AaaM has partnered with local institutions, including PMQ, and schools to host creativity workshops for children. These workshops encompasses multiple disciplines including architecture, art, the many facets of life experiences, fostering empathy, creative thinking, and confidence in children.
Since 2021, AaaM has integrated their public art installation and children’s creative education experience and launched the “Together We Play” campaign for a series of over a dozen participatory design projects for public play spaces in Hong Kong. This initiative involves children and adult’s participation, creating a sense of belonging and memory for the city’s youth.
Through observation, dialogue, and co-creation, the campaign caters children to freely express themselves, and their input is incorporated into the design of public play facilities that cater to their needs while enhancing spatial experience, cultural identity, and community belonging. To date, more than 2,000 children have participated in over 200 workshops across Hong Kong. The participatory design process and over 300 children’s models and 900 community photographs were also showcased in the 2023 “Unit Playmaking” exhibition, promoting the importance of children’s participation and empowerment.