29 May 2024 -In the wake of four deadly days where dozens of people seeking safety in Rafah in southern Gaza have been killed and hundreds wounded, Save the Children is calling for urgent action to protect civilians in Rafah and across the Gaza strip. The attacks come...
【2024年5月13日】About 40,000 children have lost their homes in northern Afghanistan after torrential rains and flash floods ripped through villages and swamped farmland, said Save the Children. Baghlan is the most severely affected area where the provincial de facto...
【2024年5月6日】Time has run out to protect children in Rafah with the looming ground assault forcing hundreds of thousands to flee and impeding aid efforts in Gaza’s ‘last refuge’, Save the Children said. On Monday 6 May Israeli forces issued relocation orders demanding...
【2024年4月18日】暴力會對兒童的身心帶來不可磨滅的負面影響。可惜暴力個案仍在社會上屢見不鮮。2023年新登記虐待兒童案件有1,457宗,較2020年數字急增逾五成。為喚起社會各界對保護兒童的關注,香港救助兒童會 (Save the Children Hong Kong) 夥拍知名國際廣告公司Cheil Hong Kong,攜手合作製作短片《The Sound of Violence》。短片將於4月18日開始,一連三星期,於部分嘉禾院線播放。 而由今日起,本片已經可於本會網站先睹為快。...