言語虐待的情況在生活中很常見,但很多人都忽視了言語虐待對小朋友造成的創傷。香港救助兒童會在11月20日世界兒童日,以「停止言語虐待Save with LOVE」為主題舉行揭幕禮,喚起大眾言語虐待對兒童成長影響的關注。活動邀請到歌手陳柏宇、前香港瑪麗醫院兒童及青少年精神科主管陳國齡醫生到場支持,一同宣揚正向管教,用正向言語與兒童溝通。 言語虐待是情感虐待的一種形式。...
As the COP26 summit begins, Save the Children has released a new photo series documenting the stories of children and their families living on the frontline of the climate crisis captured by world-renowned photographers in Australia, Cambodia, and Pakistan. Matthew...
Surging temperatures, rising water levels and land degradation drove an estimated record 10 million children from their homes last year with the increase in climate migration coming with a new risk – they may never return. A new report from Save the Children1,...
More children in Afghanistan are going hungry than ever before, according to UN data analysed by Save the Children, with 22.8 million people – including almost 14m children – expected to face crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity this winter. More than 5...
More than an estimated 22,000 girls a year are dying from pregnancy and childbirth resulting from child marriage, new analysis from Save the Children released on International Day of the Girl reveals. With the highest rate of child marriage in the world, West and...